News — Pathfinder

Pathfinder Ultimate Campaign: All the stuff I love about playing RPGs

Paizo Pathfinder

This week my gaming review will focus on Paizo’s award winning Pathfinder supplement, Ultimate Campaign.Now before I get into the meat of this one, let me explain a few things about myself as a gamer. First, the reason I game is to create, and because I create I’ve continued to play RPGs for some 30 years. However, as my life has become more complex and various moves continue to forbid me from enjoying a gaming group, I tend to have little chance to roll dice. What does that mean? Well, it means I get to game only once per year,...

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Bestiary 4: Pathfinder's newest monster book has A LOT to offer

Paizo Pathfinder Wayne Reynolds

I did a review recently of a product and was accused of, and I quote ‘not having enough meat’ in it. So, taking that to heart, I set about delving into another modern gaming supplement, Pathfinder’s Bestiary 4.Now I know what many of you are thinking, what the heck could Paizo put in a fourth huge monster supplement? Well, certainly I thought the same thing, and yet as I sat down with this very impressive 317 page hardcover book, I was soundly amazed by the content.So, to provide ‘meat’, I’m going to take you through what makes this book so...

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Pathfinder Mythic Adventures: What High Level Gaming should be.

Paizo Pathfinder Wayne Reynolds

There are those seminal moments in your gaming life, those times when something seems to fundamentally change right before your eyes. To me, the advent of D&D 3.0 was one of those, as was the introduction of ‘iconic’ characters for that setting. Still, it wasn’t unit I first laid eyes on the Epic Level Handbook that I realized just how incredible those iconic characters could be if taken to the upper levels of advancement.I was so impressed, in fact, that I focused my attention on just how I could make an epic level campaign. It wasn’t long before I had...

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Pathfinder: Legacy of Fire #1, Howl of the Carrion King is a fine product in today's marketplace

Paizo Pathfinder

I have to say, I always love me some Pathfinder.  I certainly don’t play it as much as I once did, but that doesn’t mean I still don’t respect the work the company does or the quality of the product [which is why I still subscribe to the Adventure Paths because they are just too filled with crunchy goodness to pass up!] Today I’m going to have a look at Adventure Path #4, Legacy of Fire. Written by Erik Mona, with new fiction by the lovely and talented Elaine Cunningham, this book takes us into the deserts where we can...

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