News — TSR


AD&D Modules Jeff Dee TSR

Inspiring, tight, and filled with adventure... This is what Jeff Dee always brought to the AD&D universe, and here are my Top 5 module covers he ever produced. Slave Pits! Loved is so much, I had artist Brian 'Glad' Thomas do a version of it in Folio #3! Hommlet... Dee does The Walking Dead before the Walking Dead was cool.  Nuff said! Natives, Dinos, and Albino Elves... yeah, you had me at Natives. Again, had to have Brian 'Glad' Thomas do a version of this for a Folio, this time #2.  Just incredible movement! Tomb of Horrors, and my gaming...

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When Jeff Dee ruled the gaming world...

AD&D Modules Jeff Dee TSR

When Jeff Dee ruled the gaming world...

I’m not sure how many words have been written concerning artist Jeff Dee and his influence on the early days of D&D, but I know it is a lot. Heck, I’ve written two articles myself on the subject and both did very well among my OSR gaming audience. Still, that doesn’t mean it isn’t always a good thing to talk even more about his art.Today I’m looking at just his black & white illustrations from TSR, and feeling that once again this ‘Young Turk’ had something to prove when he finally got the call from the burgeoning TSR. I mean,...

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The eyes have it, a look at a few fun Erol Otus illustrations

Erol Otus TSR

Erol Otus and I have a complex relationship, which is to say we don't have a relationship at all, but that's okay.  I nonetheless have a good time looking at his work whenever the mood strikes, as it did this morning.  There is nothing more fun than having a good dose of Otus with your morning workload to help push you through to the creative process of the afternoon.  So, today I found myself enjoying some of his work and getting inspired for yet another day of gaming creation here at AotG.  Ah, if all art could be this nostalgic,...

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When I think of Jim Roslof, it is often in Black & White...

Jim Roslof TSR

Today, as I enjoy work on ROS3 and my Roslof Keep series in The Folio, I can’t help thinking about Jim Roslof and all the incredible black & white illustrations he did over the years. To say that I’m a fan is obviously a huge understatement, so I thought I’d just take a few moments to share some of Jim’s images that have always appealed to me. Having had the honor of sitting in his drafting chair at his studio and going over how his process worked, I can’t help but see the joy he felt in creating for the...

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If Clyde Caldwell went to KFC, he'd order the thigh...

Clyde Caldwell TSR

I once took a trip to Wisconsin to spend a few days with artist Jeff Easley at his home. It was a great trip, and I got to see lots of outstanding artwork, but one thing that always stood out to me was when Jeff would discuss other artists he’d worked with over the years. As we talked about them, Jeff always seemed to come up with an interesting anecdote or nickname, but of all these, his nonchalant utterance concerning Clyde Caldwell was my favorite. He affectionately referred to Clyde as ‘The Thigh Master’.To this day, I still get an...

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