News — Conan

Stygia - Serpent of the South, an near-naked romp with Conan

Conan Mongoose

I love Conan. I love Howard’s Conan, I love the Milius Conan, and I love Mongoose’s RPG of Conan. Why? Probably because of boobs, swords, and high adventure, and yes, it could actually be in that order.Today, I’m going to look at the Mongoose release of the D20 Edition of Conan with Stygia – Serpent of the South.I picked this book up at GenCon in 2008 in one of those ‘Buy 1 get 3 Free’ booths where I basically made my entire Conan collection save for the core book which I already owned. It is a great supplement, filled with...

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Conan, what is best about Shem - Gateway to the South?

Conan Mongoose Publishing

Conan, what is best in life?  How many times have we as gamers both heard and repeated that tag line?  Too many, I’d imagine, but somehow it just never gets old.  For me, the journey to the works of Robert E. Howard took longer than I would have liked, but once there I was ever swept away in the adventures that followed Conan. Thus, having missed purchasing the TSR version of Conan in the early 1980s, I was eager to own Mongoose Publishing’s D20 editions when they hit the market during the great D20 boom of the early 2000s.  Today,...

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