Converting 2D hex dungeons to 3D dungeon art

I've always enjoyed the concept of dungeons. Obviously the reality of such things doesn't make much sense, but to fantasy RPG players, underground complexes with fantastic decorations and monsters are commonplace. Mithelvarn's Labyrinth below Roslof Keep was a labor of love for me, transforming maps that were created on hex paper into 3D works of art something that gave me infinite smiles. I thought I'd share some of those dungeon levels today. Let me know what you think. Level 2 really got things going, and the mirrored room was something straight out of Conan the Destroyer. In Level 3 I...
Color Coding The Caves of Chaos

I'm not going to lie, The Caves of Chaos is by far my favorite dungeon of all time. I could seriously look at this map for the better part of the day just trying to figure out the multitude of stories that can go into it. It will never run the same way twice (I've tried!) and there are so many great artistic takes on it, I thought I'd share a few today.
Battletech David Deitrick FASA

I make no bones about being an unabashed David Deitrick lover, both as a person and as an artist, so it really makes me angry that his art no-longer appears in science fiction publications. Maybe we've moved past his style, as it seems when last years Battletech Kickstarter refused to allow him to provide artwork (along with Holloway, so thanks much Catalyst!) when the video game was set pre-clans, right in the wheelhouse of his work at FASA during the 80s. Whatever the case, I've still managed to get David to do some work in Battletech over the years, so...

Tim Kask (heal quickly man!) once let me know with both barrels just how hard it was to get fantasy artists in the 1970s for the likes of Dragon Magazine, because basically there weren’t such an animal. Contrast that with today, and you can’t walk your fingers an inch over a keyboard without tripping over one on social media. Yet somewhere in between, right in the sweet spot of 1990, TSR had its choice of some of the finest young artists of a generation looking to make a name for themselves in fantasy. Artists like Tony DiTerlizzi, Fred Fields, and...
Top 10 Jeff Easley AD&D 'Orange Spine' Hardcover Paintings

Now you might be thinking, 'Top 10, really? How many did he do?' Well, the answer to that is 12. And, considering how iconic each one is, how much they meant to D&D players in the 1980s, and how many folks still use these book 30 years later, it is little wonder that this was a much harder list to trim down than one might think. But, I'm going to give it a shot nonetheless! #10: Dungeoneer's Survival Guide: Jeff told me once he had painted this one before he even came to TSR but they decided to buy it...