News — Daniel Horne
Remembering 'Easy pickings, no matter how you look at it'

It goes without question that I am a huge fan of the work of Daniel Horne. He's done some absolutely astounding fantasy work over the years, including masterpieces on covers for Dragon & Gygax Magazines as well as The Folio. Many remember his works, but probably not everyone would pick this particular piece from Dragon #112. It was one of the first Dragon Magazines I ever purchased myself, and I've still got it today. The dwarves are such great characters here, and Daniel has a way of capturing characters unlike the bulk of artists in the industry. The terror, the...
Dragon #112: The evolution of Dragon right over a cliff...
Daniel Horne Dragon Magazine Jim Holloway TSR
Dragon Magazine #112 shows some great promise with an incredible Daniel Horne cover, but there is an absence inside that the editors were not really ready to fill. Now remember, this issue is from August 1986, a full year after Gygax was ousted from TSR, and I think the magazine is feeling those ‘growing pains’, or more correctly, the evidence of shrinking sales and budget cuts looming overhead like storm clouds.As stated, Daniel Horne [‘saving the best for last’ October #126] is a paragon of Dragon artwork, and it would be hard to compose a Top 10 list of...