News — Wayne Reynolds
Dwarves Jeff Laubenstein Jim Holloway Larry Elmore Wayne Reynolds

Dwarves, we've all played them at one time or another, so I thought I'd share a few that I thought were inspiring. The hefty older dwarf with the small white stash... he has a story to tell Yeah, he's going to kick someone's ass really soon... Wayne Reynolds always does a nice dwarf, and I mine did typically use a crossbow Is there anything better than a b/w Holloway dwarven god illustration? Well, maybe a Laubenstein Earthdawn smith next to an Elmore basic one? Anyone ever play a female dwarf? Well, other than in the Slave Lords series? How about...
Pathfinder Review: A Look at the Advanced Class Guide
Paizo Pathfinder Wayne Reynolds
Today I’m going to take a look at one of the newest and most interesting products coming out of the Paizo gaming foundry. Now I’ve played me a boatload of Pathfinder over the years, heck, I was one of the lucky few at GenCon that actually got to pull my Core copy off the pyramid and then rush over to artist’s alley to have Wayne Reynolds sign it, so I’m always on the lookout for what they will do next.The Advanced Class Guide takes a very interesting turn within the game, basically melding iconic core classes together to make...
Ghostwalk, a campaign setting you really must have in your collection!
Brom D&D 3.0 Vinod Rams Wayne Reynolds Wizards of the Coast
I played D&D 3rd Edition [as 3rd, 3.5, and Pathfinder] for over a decade, so I’ve got a good amount of experience with the product under my belt. That said; I’ve probably got half a dozen supplements for those games that stick in my mind as ‘must haves’, one of which is the June 2003 release of Ghostwalk.Produced by Wizards of the Coast, this 223 page campaign setting was written by Monte Cook and Sean K Reynolds. As gaming goes, it is tough to get better than these two designers, so you should know right away just how fantastic this...
Tome and Blood, a perfect piece of artistic gaming history
D&D 3.0 Todd Lockwood Wayne Reynolds Wizards of the Coast
I freely admit I was a huge fan of D&D 3E when it came out. I was there the first day it launched, leaving Circuit City on my lunch break to go to the mall in this little half-hidden comic shop to buy the Players Handbook. It had a couple of sample monsters in the back and I remember being completely confused by all the changes. Still, as I started playing, the system made sense, and the more I played the more I enjoyed. This joy was extended when I discovered WotC would be releasing character class Guide Books. Today,...
People need to start giving Wayne Reynolds a break
D&D 3.0 Paizo Pathfinder Wayne Reynolds Wizards of the Coast
I don’t get it, I really don’t… Somewhere along the way RPG artist Wayne Reynolds became the whipping boy for everything that ever went wrong with RPG artwork, and frankly that is completely unfair and moronic.No matter the forum, any mention of Wayne Reynolds will inevitably bring up phrases like ‘Wayne Reynolds caused the failure of D&D’ or ‘I loathe Wayne Reynolds’ or ‘Wayne Reynolds makes me sick’, or my personal favorite ‘Wayne Reynolds is an absolute disgrace!’. I posted an article this week concerning the art for the D&D 3.0 Players Handbook, in which Wayne doesn’t even appear, and...