News — Brom

Tim Kask (heal quickly man!) once let me know with both barrels just how hard it was to get fantasy artists in the 1970s for the likes of Dragon Magazine, because basically there weren’t such an animal. Contrast that with today, and you can’t walk your fingers an inch over a keyboard without tripping over one on social media. Yet somewhere in between, right in the sweet spot of 1990, TSR had its choice of some of the finest young artists of a generation looking to make a name for themselves in fantasy. Artists like Tony DiTerlizzi, Fred Fields, and...
Brom Dungeon Magazine Jeff Easley Jim Holloway Keith Parkinson Tony DiTerlizzi TSR

You all should know by now that after art directing for Gygax Magazine, which was the doppleganger of Dragon Magazine, I decided to develop The Folio as a similar product to Dungeon Magazine. Thus, I obviously have a love for how they did their covers, which I try to replicate with my current product. I hope you'll enjoy some of my favorites from this great adventure-based periodical. I can't get enough of chess, or Drelzna! Space Dragon, YES!!!! Daniel Horne doing classic 70s style, love it! Displacer Beast, my favorite D&D creature! Brom babe, what could be better if you...
Dark*Sun's Dragon Kings; or as all Dark*Sun products, the art of Brom and Baxa
The 1992 release of TSR’s Dark*Sun Dragon King’s hardcover for 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons [boy is that a mouthful!] hit right in the prime of my college years. I never collected Dark*Sun back then, but I played it with my roommate Rob in a single campaign that was a good deal of fun [because I was always the DM and got to get out from behind the screens for a while].Thus, I didn’t own this supplement when it came out and had to acquire it when I set about looking for Dark*Sun on eBay in probably 2005. It was...
Ghostwalk, a campaign setting you really must have in your collection!
Brom D&D 3.0 Vinod Rams Wayne Reynolds Wizards of the Coast
I played D&D 3rd Edition [as 3rd, 3.5, and Pathfinder] for over a decade, so I’ve got a good amount of experience with the product under my belt. That said; I’ve probably got half a dozen supplements for those games that stick in my mind as ‘must haves’, one of which is the June 2003 release of Ghostwalk.Produced by Wizards of the Coast, this 223 page campaign setting was written by Monte Cook and Sean K Reynolds. As gaming goes, it is tough to get better than these two designers, so you should know right away just how fantastic this...
SJA1 Wildspace, a quality product that falls flat on interior art.
Yes, sir, today is a Spelljammer day! Knowing how fun I think this game is [especially if you update it with a bit of Pathjammer like I do] it shouldn’t be a surprise that I enjoy talking about that art from the game.Unfortunately, this game, like several of the ‘B’ lines from TSR gets the great cover treatment and the blah interiors when it comes to art direction.That is the case with SJA1 Wildspace, which was produced in 1990. Written by Allen Varney, with ‘special thanks’ to Aaron Allston and Mike Nystul, this supplement’s content is incredibly well done and...