News — Cristina McAlister
A beautiful look at the 'failure' of L5R's Oriental Adventures D20 System: Secrets of the Mantis
I will readily admit that I am a HUGE L5R RPG fan. I've never played the card game, but some of the best campaigns I've ever been on were in the L5R setting, which is saying something considering how much I've played in my home brew D&D and Robotech games over the years. Truly, the only outside game I've played that compares is Shadowrun, and even then I believe I've played more L5R on the whole. I can well remember going into a Waldenbooks in the early 2000s and finding a copy of the new D20 Oriental Adventures and being...
Arrgh Again! The art of the 7th Sea Player's Guide Part Two
7th Sea AEG Cristina McAlister Ramon Perez
There isn't much more to talk about on this other than to say once again how incredible the mass of art is in this book! I hope you enjoy as I keep digging through the volume. Again, just incredible work by Terese Neilson, Cristina McAllister, and Ramon Perez.
Arrgh! The art of 7th Sea is some of the finest you'll ever see!
7th Sea AEG Cristina McAlister John Wick Ramon Perez
Today I want to take a look at the AEG 7th Sea Player’s Guide. Before I begin I want to put out a disclaimer, if John Wick and Ree Soesbee have ANYTHING to do with a game it is going to be stellar. So, if you translate that it means that 7th Sea is stellar, obviously, but the sad fact is that as cool as pirates are, nobody really likes to play RPGs based around them [or do Legos based on them it seems according to industry sales figures].Anyway, I got down my [never played] copy of the 7th Sea...