News — Keith Parkinson
Brom Dungeon Magazine Jeff Easley Jim Holloway Keith Parkinson Tony DiTerlizzi TSR

You all should know by now that after art directing for Gygax Magazine, which was the doppleganger of Dragon Magazine, I decided to develop The Folio as a similar product to Dungeon Magazine. Thus, I obviously have a love for how they did their covers, which I try to replicate with my current product. I hope you'll enjoy some of my favorites from this great adventure-based periodical. I can't get enough of chess, or Drelzna! Space Dragon, YES!!!! Daniel Horne doing classic 70s style, love it! Displacer Beast, my favorite D&D creature! Brom babe, what could be better if you...
Dragon Magazine Keith Parkinson TSR

Hey, with my current Kickstarter Folio trying to put another incredible piece of Keith Parkinson art out for the RPG world, I would be remiss if I didn't do a feature on his work. I'm not going to gush over his art here, I'll let it speak for itself, but damn, if you don't love what you are about to see, you're broken inside! Lords of Lankhmar... I have this module, I've never played it, but by god I've stared at this cover long enough to say that I've mastered it heart and soul! Pretty sure this one is called...
3x5s from the White Light Nebulae and Beyond [Color Memories of Star Frontiers]
Clyde Caldwell Jeff Easley Keith Parkinson Larry Elmore Star Frontiers Tim Truman TSR
Like every single non-D&D title TSR had in the mid-1980s, Star Frontiers met a quick and profound end. I lamented it leaving the hobby, especially with the inclusion of Zebulon's Guide to Frontier Space, but those were the breaks for Boot Hill, Gangbusters, Gamma World, and this beloved science fiction series. Whatever the case, I still love to take a look at the 'color' of the game and imagine what could have been if Easley, Elmore, Parkinson, Caldwell, Truman, Roslof, Trampier, and Holloway had gotten another half dozen years to create inside the frame. It is one thing we will...
I4 An Oasis in a sea of growing turmoil at TSR
Jim Holloway Keith Parkinson Module TSR
DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT AOTG'S CURRENT KICKSTARTER TO YOUR RIGHT! AND, WE NEED JUST 20 MORE BACKERS TODAY TO HAVE AN ORIGINAL ARTWORK GIVE AWAY! COME JOIN US AND ROLL THE DICE ON ART! Today I’m going to take a look at one of my favorite module series by one of my favorite artists [and currently a client if anyone needs a commission].Yes indeed, I4 Oasis of the White Palm is the second installment of the Desert of Desolation series written by Philip Meyers and Tracy Hickman. It is for characters 6-8th level, but I always...
Zebulon's Guide to Frontier Space: Volume One and sadly ONLY...
Keith Parkinson Star Frontiers TSR
There are two gaming supplements that I adore more than most, and oddly enough they were both released by TSR in 1985. Each could be considered by the multitude of fans as anathema to the traditional mechanics of the games in which they appear, but I just never saw that. The first of these is of course the Unearthed Arcana for AD&D, and I’m not going to get into that here, but the second is going to be the focus of this particular article. Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space Volume 1 [and sadly there would never be another volume] was...