News — TSR

Tim Kask (heal quickly man!) once let me know with both barrels just how hard it was to get fantasy artists in the 1970s for the likes of Dragon Magazine, because basically there weren’t such an animal. Contrast that with today, and you can’t walk your fingers an inch over a keyboard without tripping over one on social media. Yet somewhere in between, right in the sweet spot of 1990, TSR had its choice of some of the finest young artists of a generation looking to make a name for themselves in fantasy. Artists like Tony DiTerlizzi, Fred Fields, and...
Top 10 Jeff Easley AD&D 'Orange Spine' Hardcover Paintings

Now you might be thinking, 'Top 10, really? How many did he do?' Well, the answer to that is 12. And, considering how iconic each one is, how much they meant to D&D players in the 1980s, and how many folks still use these book 30 years later, it is little wonder that this was a much harder list to trim down than one might think. But, I'm going to give it a shot nonetheless! #10: Dungeoneer's Survival Guide: Jeff told me once he had painted this one before he even came to TSR but they decided to buy it...
Brom Dungeon Magazine Jeff Easley Jim Holloway Keith Parkinson Tony DiTerlizzi TSR

You all should know by now that after art directing for Gygax Magazine, which was the doppleganger of Dragon Magazine, I decided to develop The Folio as a similar product to Dungeon Magazine. Thus, I obviously have a love for how they did their covers, which I try to replicate with my current product. I hope you'll enjoy some of my favorites from this great adventure-based periodical. I can't get enough of chess, or Drelzna! Space Dragon, YES!!!! Daniel Horne doing classic 70s style, love it! Displacer Beast, my favorite D&D creature! Brom babe, what could be better if you...
AD&D Modules Bill Willingham Erol Otus Jeff Dee Jim Holloway Jim Roslof TSR

Other than perhaps the various AD&D core books (yellow/orange spine) I find little that can inspire me more than the art of the classic AD&D module series from TSR. Today I'm going to give you my favorite 10 images from those heady days. Enjoy! How beautiful is this classic Erol Otus drow priestess? Sublime! When I think of giants in D&D, this is what always comes to mind. Thank you Bill Willingham, and also thanks for showing me that my tanks don't need pants! Classic good vs. evil by Jeff Dee! Did he ever do a Kickstarter for this one?...
Dragon Magazine Keith Parkinson TSR

Hey, with my current Kickstarter Folio trying to put another incredible piece of Keith Parkinson art out for the RPG world, I would be remiss if I didn't do a feature on his work. I'm not going to gush over his art here, I'll let it speak for itself, but damn, if you don't love what you are about to see, you're broken inside! Lords of Lankhmar... I have this module, I've never played it, but by god I've stared at this cover long enough to say that I've mastered it heart and soul! Pretty sure this one is called...