News — Tony DiTerlizzi
Brom Dungeon Magazine Jeff Easley Jim Holloway Keith Parkinson Tony DiTerlizzi TSR

You all should know by now that after art directing for Gygax Magazine, which was the doppleganger of Dragon Magazine, I decided to develop The Folio as a similar product to Dungeon Magazine. Thus, I obviously have a love for how they did their covers, which I try to replicate with my current product. I hope you'll enjoy some of my favorites from this great adventure-based periodical. I can't get enough of chess, or Drelzna! Space Dragon, YES!!!! Daniel Horne doing classic 70s style, love it! Displacer Beast, my favorite D&D creature! Brom babe, what could be better if you...
A walk with Monte & Tony through Planescape: The Planewalker's Handbook
Planescape Robh Ruppel Tony DiTerlizzi TSR
Today, I’m going to take a look at the artwork from the Planescape: The Planewalker’s Handbook supplement. Written by the newly sainted gaming genius Monte Cook, this 159 page book details a great deal of incredible little things concerning the planes as they appear in the Planescape Campaign Setting, but to me the artwork is always the most fun.With a cover done by Robh Ruppel the book starts off with a bang. Robh’s style is strong, and his muted colors blend well with the darkness of the setting. In this particular piece he draws on his inner M.C. Escher to...
Dungeon #55: My first foray into the realms of magazine bound adventures circa 1995
I was never one to be overly familiar with Dungeon Magazine. Sure, I’d seen my first Dragon at age 13, but Dungeon never made its way into my teenage life and so an early infatuation or understanding wasn’t there for me.Still, being a hardcore gamer, there had to be a point where I finally discovered that Dungeon was the cousin of Dragon, only instead of having articles it was filled with adventures. By the time this became known to me I’d pretty much given up on adventures and designed all my gaming sessions myself, but nonetheless a particular fondness for...
Planescape: The Factol's Manifesto is a beautiful addition to an already stunning setting from old TSR
Planescape Tony DiTerlizzi TSR
Planescape… certainly a setting that is seemingly filled with endless in possibility. I well remember the first time I saw it, way back in probably 1996 as I’d just gone to work at a B. Dalton Bookseller in Bradenton Florida and came upon these beautiful boxed sets in the gaming section.It didn’t take me long to use my employee discount on them, and today I’m going to take a look at The Factol’s Manifesto.Produced in 1995 and designed by Dori Jean Hein, Tim Beach, and J.M. Salsbury this book covers all the various Factions of the City of Doors and...