News — Jeff Easley
Top 10 Jeff Easley AD&D 'Orange Spine' Hardcover Paintings

Now you might be thinking, 'Top 10, really? How many did he do?' Well, the answer to that is 12. And, considering how iconic each one is, how much they meant to D&D players in the 1980s, and how many folks still use these book 30 years later, it is little wonder that this was a much harder list to trim down than one might think. But, I'm going to give it a shot nonetheless! #10: Dungeoneer's Survival Guide: Jeff told me once he had painted this one before he even came to TSR but they decided to buy it...
When Jeff Easley had a girl...

Of the ‘Big Four’ (this includes Caldwell, Parkinson, Elmore) from TSR’s AD&D glory days, Jeff Easley is certainly the least known for going cheesecake on you. However, that isn’t to say Easley can’t do a lovely lady, or hasn’t gotten a few of them in fantasy works over the years. Unlike Elmore, who readily went to live models once leaving TSR, or Caldwell who seemingly always had a live model to work with, Easley has never ceased to use imagination when doing the ladies of fantasy. There was a story once that Todd Lockwood told me concerning his first days...
Brom Dungeon Magazine Jeff Easley Jim Holloway Keith Parkinson Tony DiTerlizzi TSR

You all should know by now that after art directing for Gygax Magazine, which was the doppleganger of Dragon Magazine, I decided to develop The Folio as a similar product to Dungeon Magazine. Thus, I obviously have a love for how they did their covers, which I try to replicate with my current product. I hope you'll enjoy some of my favorites from this great adventure-based periodical. I can't get enough of chess, or Drelzna! Space Dragon, YES!!!! Daniel Horne doing classic 70s style, love it! Displacer Beast, my favorite D&D creature! Brom babe, what could be better if you...
Pulp, Sexy, Prophetic, and Bold, are all words to describe the painting genius of TSR legend Jeff Easley. Here, collected for your pleasure, are ten of the finest pieces from his years working on Dungeons & Dragons. Dungeon Master's Guide, Recover. If there has ever been a Dungeon Master, rendered in oil, this is him... Dragonlance helped define a generation, as did a dozen of Jeff's most stunning imagery. Although never considered a Caldwell or Elmore where ladies were concerned, Jeff could nonetheless paint a inspirational female figure, this one from the cover of Tome of Magic. The cover to...
Last summer I had my AotG designer do a mock-up for the Jeff Easley art book that Jeff and I had been working on since roughly 2009. What do you all think about it, especially considering that Jeff has never, ever, had an art book created around all his incredible art? Would you lend support to a Kickstarter? We need to hear from you if something like this was to happen. Remember, AotG is also in the middle of a classic OSR/5E module Kickstarter and are only a few hundred dollars from our goal! You can check the banner to...