News — Keith Parkinson
Star Frontiers: Making the Dramune Run one more time
Clyde Caldwell Keith Parkinson Star Frontiers TSR
Today I’m going to take a look at one of my favorite games, Star Frontiers. The oddity of that claim is that I’ve really only played Star Frontiers once, for a single two month campaign back in 1988. Therefore, I can only see Star Frontiers as appearing so high on my list of favorite games for one reason, the artwork. The second boxed set, Knight Hawks, brought forth a series of space adventure modules that continued to feature great artwork and one of the best would have to be the 1984 release of SFKH1 Dramune Run. Written by another of...
Gamma World's 3rd Edition: A sad reminder of what should have been
Gamma World Jeff Easley Keith Parkinson Larry Elmore TSR
In 1986 TSR came out with the 3rd Edition of Gamma World as they tried to drive sales of their new ACT [Action Table] combat system. The effect, while dramatic in the box itself, falls incredibly flat when compared to say, The Red Box that helped revolutionize gaming just three years before. I have to wonder what happened during this period, as I can only assume TSR was at its absolute height here, and yet both this product, and Marvel Super Heroes, don’t really add anything artistically to the genre other than rehashing Marvel’s artwork or in the case of...