News — Tim Truman
11 Incredible B/W Illustrations from Pre-1985 TSR Modules
AD&D Modules Bill Willingham Erol Otus Jeff Dee Jim Holloway Tim Truman TSR

Yes folks, it's true, as I run The Folio Kickstarter and continue to tweak that module series, I'm constantly pouring over old TSR classics as I try to gain a better perspective of construction and artwork. Today, I had to share 11 interiors that are fantastic examples of classic D&D artwork. I hope you enjoy, and please share! 'Storoper' - Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords - Bill Willingham 'Lizardmen' - Against the Cult of the Reptile God - Tim Truman 'Princess Rider' - The Secret of Bone Hill - Bill Willingham 'The Trip' - The Lost Caverns...
3x5s from the White Light Nebulae and Beyond [Color Memories of Star Frontiers]
Clyde Caldwell Jeff Easley Keith Parkinson Larry Elmore Star Frontiers Tim Truman TSR
Like every single non-D&D title TSR had in the mid-1980s, Star Frontiers met a quick and profound end. I lamented it leaving the hobby, especially with the inclusion of Zebulon's Guide to Frontier Space, but those were the breaks for Boot Hill, Gangbusters, Gamma World, and this beloved science fiction series. Whatever the case, I still love to take a look at the 'color' of the game and imagine what could have been if Easley, Elmore, Parkinson, Caldwell, Truman, Roslof, Trampier, and Holloway had gotten another half dozen years to create inside the frame. It is one thing we will...
Top 10 Classic TSR Module Covers from 1981-1987
AD&D Modules clyde caldwell Erol Otus Jeff Dee Jim Holloway Jim Roslof Tim Truman TSR

Today I’m going to compose a list of my personal favorite D&D module covers from TSR circa 1981-1987. Hopefully you all will remember these fondly as well.#10. B3: Palace of the Silver Princess – Erol Otus #9. U3: The Final Enemy – Dave de Leuw #8. B4: The Lost City – Jim Holloway #7. X1: The Isle of Dread – Jeff Dee #6. M1: Blizzard Pass – Tim Truman #5: T1: The Village of Hommlet – Jeff Dee #4: I6: Ravenloft – Clyde Caldwell #3: I3: Pharaoh – Jim Holloway #2 S1: Tomb of Horrors – Jeff Dee #1 D1-2:...
Gamma World D20 Player's Handbook, oh what could have been...
D20 modern Gamma World Jeff Laubenstein Tim Truman
Rolling D20s for Gamma World might sound odd, considering how the system has evolved over the years, but because of the D20 boom of the early 2000s, there is a rather substantial Gamma World edition based around the mechanic. Today, to continue my Gamma World series, I’m going to look at the art of the Sword & Sorcery’s release of Gamma World D20. Based on the D20 Modern core rules by Wizards of the Coast, this edition is a nice collection of rules that feel a bit forced and not as lovely as I’d like considering the source material.The artwork,...
M1: Blizzard Pass was a solo adventure I could never finish
AD&D Modules Jim Holloway Tim Truman TSR
I’m not really sure when I got M1 Blizzard Pass, but I’m going to say it was on a shelf at the local Kmart in about 1984. At the time, I had the Red Box, very little ability to understand what it was trying to tell me, and no gaming friends. Thus, the appeal of a solo adventure seemed perfectly reasonable.However, like most Choose Your Own Adventures I tried over the years, Blizzard Pass wasn’t for me, especially considering I HATED playing thieves at the time which was the class required to run it solo.That said, I’m still captivated by...